The autumn, winter and holiday seasons are filled with so many delightful flavours. One of my personal favourites is our Chimney Moments . Chimney Moments is our Bestseller tea and we love it, Chimney Moments whipped cream, Chimney Moments ice for summer and much more. Our Chimney moment principal ingredients is Cinnamon. how is a beloved spice that makes drinking tea even more enjoyable. Adding this woody spice to hot water creates a tea that is sweetly aromatic and delectably spiced. 
Cinnamon tea is not only delicious, it’s also good for you. Discover everything cinnamon tea has to offer and pour yourself a cup of spicy goodness. 
This tea is popular around the world where regional variations change the flavor profile of the tea. In South America, the tea is known as “té con canela” where a cinnamon stick is infused in hot water along with black tea leaves. In Korea, cinnamon tea is called “gyepi-cha” and it is mixed with ginger tea. Korean cinnamon tea uses only bark from the Chinese or Cassia cinnamon—known scientifically as Cinnamomum cassia. The Korean tea is sweetened with honey or your sweet preferences and served with a garnish of jujubes, taste is not only festive but comforting during a freezing cold day, too. 
Cinnamon can be made from a variety of different cinnamon species, but the most common is known as Cinnamomum Verum or Ceylon cinnamon. The tree is native to Sri Lanka and only the inner cinnamon bark is used to brew herbal teas. Another popular favorite is Saigon cinnamon, which is cultivated in Vietnam. 
On its own chimney moments tea is It is wonderful to use when making tea infused. It is the ideal cozy drink once the temperatures drop, but can be enjoyed any time of the year! 
Cinnamon is a woody spice that lends a sweet and savory flavor to tea infusions. The tea emits an incredible aroma that entices the senses and offers a warming effect. The tea is light golden to deep brown in color when brewed. It features hints of honey, resin, and spice from the first sip to the last drop. 
Health Benefits of Cinnamon Tea 
May Chock Full of Antioxidants 
Cinnamon tea, like many herbal teas, is packed with antioxidants that offer some benefits. 
May Protects Heart 
Consuming cinnamon tea may help lower your risk of heart. Today, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in cinnamon tea may help to prevent heart problems caused by high cholesterol and triglycerides. 
May Protect Brain Health 
Recent studies show that cinnamon tea benefits may also include a protection of overall health and mental capacity. Drinking cinnamon tea may help protect the brain. 
May Decrease Inflammation 
Cinnamon tea may help decrease inflammation. 
Boosts Immunity 
Like many teas, cinnamon tea can help boost the immune system and fend off pathogens that can make you sick. This tea boasts antibacterial properties that can help fend off bacteria that cause bad breath as well as the common cold and flu. 
How to prepare: 
Brewing using freshly boiled water left to cool to temperatures between 75 and 80 C. Infuse for 1 to 3 minutes. Nutrition Values per 100 ml infusion (Use a diffuser and add leafs with 300ml in 90C hot water). 
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